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Vegan beauty facial mask

vegan mask

Audew vegan beauty facial mask - Development background

Beauty keyword for 2019 is the esthetics of emptiness

Nature derived ingredient, clean beauty is popular

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Beauty keyword for 2019 is the esthetics of emptiness and protection of the environment is no longer the choice, it is the the must nowadays

Vegan Beauty is a new trend in the market which promotes anti-animal testing and using a plant derived products. Moreover, excluding  toxic ingredient and promote environmental cleanses which called clean beauty is also popular

Clean Beauty products consist of pure ingredient

Today’s customers look for a trusted ingredient to be used in their beauty product after finding many toxic ingredients in various living product

Brand concept of Audew

Collecting a pure dawn dew

 ‘ Aube ’ is compound of a word dawn in French and‘ Dew

It is a mask brand contains pure plant derived ingredients which is similar to a pure dawn dew

It is plant deceived ingredient based Vegan mask pack. Fills skin cores with pure soil and nature.

#Pure#Vegan#protecting nature# Animal love# Clean and lite #nature based#Basic# Natural #Slow Beauty# Healingbeauty# forme#fresh beauty

Brand story of Audew - Directing point


Tired and hard day. Forget all! Only for me. #start of the healing Beauty!

Bye for Huddles . Fresh beauty rest only for me

#2. It’s ok to be Slow

Every day’s Busy life, nature rest for your skin

We took longer time and more securely filled to deliver nature ingredient directly into your skin.

Express your own natural beauty. Take your own time

#3. Combination of safe and healthy vegan and skin science

Many people’s skin and nature have been suffered from excessive use of toxic skincare products

We are promoting Clean and lite Vegan beauty and skin science while combining dermatology ingredients to protect

nature/animals and most importantly for a healthy skin.

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 #1. Vegan

As our brand promotes Vegan, we uses nature derived original mask sheet and plant derived ingredients. It will deliver eco friendly ingredient to your skin more effectively to make your skin flawless. Moreover, we fulfill healthy skin and functional effect by using skin Science derma ingredients. 

#2. Utilizing Clean Naomi Plants

Using an extraction from Geeri original plant, we maximized effectiveness of the Bok plant ingredient and original plant ingridient  when they are combined. This will allow our masks are more effective on your skin.

#3. Skin irritation test

To be safely used in today’s dirty and muddy environment, for sensitive skin, we perform a skin irritation test to be safety be used for all skin types.

Product info. of Audew vegan mask

1. Audew vegan mask pack

* Soothing mugwort+ nutrition moisturizing honey+ Namwon narrow-head ragwort extract(whitening,anti-aging)

One solution mask pack which helps skin problem healthy and functionally by Combining nature and environment, and skin health and dermatology.  

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Product info. of vegan facial mask

Soothing, moisturizing mugwort extract

✓Contain more extract than pure water

Plant-derived nature raw material sheet

✓Use Tencel cupra fabric that contains plant-derived raw material

Clean Namwon narrow-headed ragwort extract

✓Namwon narrow-headed ragwort is effective for whitening and anti-aging

Nutrition moisturizing honey essence

✓Use honey which is full of vitamin and various nutrition

▪Product name: undecided

▪Amount:  undecided

▪Formulation:   mugwood original mask + yellow essence with high viscosity

▪Direction: wash face and apply toner. Place mask on entire face.

▪Food and Drug Ministry functional status:  wrinkle improvement and whitening double functionality

▪Product point: #veganmask #cleanmask #plant-dreviedingredient #plant-derivednaturerawmateiralsheet

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Main Ingredients of vegan facial mask

#Nutrition moisturizing

✓Sugar Maple Extract

#Soothing, moisturizing

✓Mugwood ingredient

#Whiting, anti-aging

✓Narrow- headed ragwort extract

Pores & Exfoliate care brand

Early Anti-aging brand

Waxing aftercare brand

Premium beauty care brand

Genderless Beauty Life Brand

High functional cosmetic accessory brand

Vegan beauty facial mask

Hair loss care brand

Vintage makeup brands

These products can be sold as branded products, and Private label service are also available.

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